Tuesday 31 March 2020

First Week at Home During Covid-19

Hello students,

Here is the blog I haven't used in seven years. Here I will post links and lessons in the coming weeks and months.  I think it would also be fun to try Zoom classes. Please let me know what you think.
 English 100

Please keep following all David's links on the Moodle site. Would you like to meet in our groups via Zoom? Comment below.

Creative Writing 10

You have finished revising your poems, I think. If you scroll way down this document to page 63, you will see the poetry rubric I will be using to mark it.
Do you remember the list I gave you of questions to ask yourself when revising your poem? It might be in your locker. Are there words that clink? etc.  Here is a chapter by the poet, Georgia Heard, who made that list, on revising poems:  https://s3.amazonaws.com/aawuploads/WebAssets/86/409/RevisionToolBox_chapter3.pdf?636938804125208695
Please share your best poems by next Monday. We wrote about 7, so just share your best 4 or 5.

Ukulele 8

Congratulations! You are done! Here is Spring Song by Mendelssohn to celebrate.
If you have a ukulele at home and still feel you are an absolute beginner, or want a review, here is an almost free deal ($1) from the writer of Booster Uke.

English 12

Please finish revising your memoir and google share it to me. Below is a revising tool you can use on our own writing, a friends' or ask your parent to fill it in for you. Below it is the rubric I will use. Please comment below if you have any questions. Please share by next Monday.